Life is tough. It’s even tougher if you’re a diabetic. My last A1C was a 9. Down 1/2 a point from the time before. That’s down from a high of 11, so I’m heading in the right direction. I’m hoping to have it even further down when I’m checked again in December. It’s hard, but I know I can do it. Mostly right now my daily sugars are in line to where they’re supposed to be. It doesn’t mean I don’t have bad numbers now and then, but they are a lot less frequently than what they were before I started paying attention.

Let’s face it, nobody wants to poke their finger 12 times a day. Right now I’ve been doing it twice a day. Fasting in the morning and just before dinner and once or twice a week 2 hours after dinner. This gives me a good awareness of where my sugars are at so I can adjust my medication.

The second step I’ve been doing is paying attention to what I eat. I’ve downloaded the app, “My Fitness Pal,” so I can keep track of the crap I’ve been shoveling down my neck. By daily recording what I eat, has opened my eyes to the crap I eat and how much of it. By being aware, I’m changed my diet considerable but over time. Not everything in one day. By doing the above I’m seeing a lot better numbers in my daily sugar readings. That makes my endocrinologist a happy doctor. Making me a happy man.

Next step, I have to start walking/exercising a bit more than what I do.

Blood Sugar Fasting: 141

Weight: 267